Sustainable airport of tomorrow: Enfidha Hammamet airport achieved level 4 “Transformation” Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA)

Sustainable airport of tomorrow: Enfidha Hammamet airport achieved level 4 “Transformation” Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA)

Enfidha Hammamet International Airport operated by TAV Tunisie has received this year, 2024 the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) level 4 “Transformation" in recognition of its efforts to manage its CO2 emissions. This accreditation provided by Airport Council International (ACI) Africa, international association of African airports, is an outstanding achievement showing that Enfidha airport has excelled in its care for its environment by the efficient use of energy to lower CO2 emissions and thus lower environmental impact and achieve better, cleaner living making it “the sustainable airport of tomorrow”

After adhering to Airport Council International (ACI) Africa in 2012, TAV Tunisie continues to put forward its expertise and know how at the African Continent level and pave the way for its airports towards better achievements in terms of efficiency in operations with respect to international measures of environment protection.  It started in 2013, when Enfidha-Hammamet airport distinguished itself as the first airport in the African continent to receive level (1) “Mapping” of carbon accreditation. Then, in 2014, it further assured its position as a leading environment-friendly airport at local and continental levels by earning level (2) “Reduction”. Moreover, it continued to climb higher to level (3) “Optimization” In 2021 and level 3+ “Neutrality” in 2023.

In fact, Enfidha Hammamet International Airport earned these accreditations due to its efficiently implemented set of initiatives including conducting a thorough assessment of carbon footprint, establishing ambitious but realistic carbon reduction targets, implementing energy-saving measures through its energy-efficient Trigeneration power plant, encouraging the use of low-emission transportation options, engaging employees and Stakeholder on carbon reduction goals, encouraging sustainable behaviors in the workplace, Investing in carbon offset projects to compensate for unavoidable emissions, implementing robust monitoring and reporting systems to track progress towards carbon reduction goals, and finally seeking certification from internationally recognized carbon accreditation associations.

TAV Tunisie relationship with its environment is reciprocally interactive and the level of importance and attention it gives to its business success and profit-making is, undoubtedly, equal to its commitment towards the environment including minimizing environmental impact, conservation of natural resources, protection of the soil, water and climate required to sustain life on earth.